We want your rejections!


  • If this is your first time here, I kindly ask that you read this entire page, to learn what CanLitisDead is all about. Thanks for being awesome! 
  • If you already know the deal, or if you like to ignore instructions, click here to skip to the bottom and submit your rejections!

CanLit is Dead


So what’s this all about?

As a graduate of UBC Okanagan’s Creative Writing program, I’ve read a lot of good work by young Canadian writers. At least, work that I think is good.

So how come it’s not getting published in Canadian literary journals? Is what’s sufficient for a good grade in a workshop class so far removed from the quality expected in a publication?

Maybe what I think is “good” just isn’t good enough.

But I don’t like this answer. Not only because it’s pessimistic. Not only because it’s  self-defeating. Not only because it makes me want to uninstall my writing software, burn my diploma, and move to Alaska to be a deep-sea fisherman.

But also because I believe it’s wrong. A lot of contemporary Canadian writing is tepid, and out of touch with the voices and experiences of new Canadian writers. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this way. Why strive to be part by a culture we don’t feel a connection to in the first place? Isn’t it time for something new?

With these questions in mind, I created CanLit is Dead. To offer an alternative outlet; a place for new voices to emerge.

CanLit is Dead is a new sort of literary journal.

A journal composed entirely of fiction and poetry, by Canadians, that has been rejected by Canadian Literary sources.

We leave the definition of a CanLit source up to you, but if it’s Canadian, and you’re Canadian, and they didn’t publish your work, then that works for us!

What sort of rejections are you looking for?

That’s the fun part – it doesn’t matter! We’re not like other literary journals. Here at CanLit is Dead we do things a bit different.

  • We don’t care how you format it.
  • We don’t care you long it is.*
  • Can I tell you a secret? We don’t even really care about your content.

We want you to send us your rejections.  * (Within reason – send us a phone book, we’ll need to talk)

But what if my work isn’t good enough? 

That’s the rejection talking. Your work was good enough for you to send out once, wasn’t it? I bet you felt more confident about it when you finished than you did after you realized it wasn’t getting published.

Well here’s your chance to get that confidence back! 

Nothing you write will be not good enough for CanLit is Dead.We’re a community based on owning your rejections so you can move on to bigger and better things.

Laugh in the face of failure – reject your rejection!

Here at Can Lit is Dead, we don’t discriminate based on quality.

It can’t really be that easy, can it?


The content is up to you, the genre is up to you, the length is up to you. There’s nothing that isn’t good enough for us.

Except — well, there is one m0re thing…

The catch, I knew there was a catch! 

There is – but it’s a good catch.

I said that your writing will always be good enough for us.

The catch is that the writing has to be good enough for you.

At the bottom of this page there is a link to a form with six questions. This is how I keep track of who you are, and where your piece was rejected. But most importantly, it’s a way for you to tell me why your writing is worth sharing. Why the editor who rejected your piece was wrong. Why your work is still good.

Gain confidence!

Share your writing!

Become a part of Canada’s first ever literary rejections community!

So what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose but the fear of rejection, nothing to gain but peace of mind.




Send us your rejections! 


  1. Email canlitisdead@danvineberg.com with your work attached. doc or docx preferred. 
  2. As soon as you have emailed us, complete your form with the six questions.

Your work will not be considered without both of these requirements being met! 



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